Netflix Binge Watching

Since Andrew and I got married we’ve been obsessed with binge watching. Before we started I was naive to the magic of binge watching. My sister would watching hours of Grey’s Anatomy and I just thought watching hours of TV sounded so boring. Boy was I wrong and am now an addict. These are some of our favs. Please share any of your favs! I’m always looking for a new show to binge on.

Luther- such a great show! Too short though, we wanted more.

The Killing- it’s scary and depressing but very very addicting and so good. We were so sad when we finished and no new show could compare. It’s the best show!

Scandal- lots of going on. I preferred binge watching it opposed to watching live since there’s a lot to keep up with.

Orange is the New Black- fun and entertaining.

Breaking Bad- so so good.

The Fall- we watched this after we were mourning the end of The Killing. It’s good but doesn’t compare to The Killing.

Blacklist-we’ve been watching it live, but I think it would be great to binge watch because week to week I forget little details.

Pretty Little Liars- a guilty pleasure. When I lived at home my sister would steal the tv for an hour a week to watch Pretty Little Liars. I would roll my eyes and hide in my room. Then I was bored one day and decided to watch the pilot and was instantly addicted.

Hostages- it’s an interesting show, but went a tad too long for me. Still worth watching though!

4 thoughts on “Netflix Binge Watching

  1. I’m a binge watcher too! Ever since my husband signed up for Netflix, I couldn’t help myself!

    OITNB is awesome! Have you watched House of Cards yet? I HIGHLY recommend! Scandal is another favorite of mine. Blacklist is awesome too! But Sons of Anarchy is my favorite!

  2. Luther is amazing! I have good news they are making a new one! Will be two episodes! Eek can’t wait! I also thought the Jane Campion drama “Top of the Lake” was extremely well acted though a little on the dark side. There is a fabulous series from the UK we are addicted to called “The Peaky Blinders” with Cillian Murphy, it’s in a similar vein as Boardwalk Empire I think. The second series just finished, but I think a third is on it’s way. Enjoy!

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